My Fave OTP’s

When it comes to OTP’s, there are only a few that I actually ship. What’s cool is that I finally have an OTP who’s actually a pirate. Get it? Pirate and shipping? ha. ha…. In honor of Valentine’s Day, I present my top 3 OTPs in no particular order:

  1. CaptainSwan (Emma Swan and Captain Hook): I could go on about these two for like 100 pages, so I’ll be brief here. Not only are they an attractive pair, they are sizzling with chemistry in a family friendly kind of way. The way Hook looks at Emma, touches her, kisses her, it’s all too much for my little shipping heart! And then Emma trusting him and opening her heart to him after everything she went through with her past lovers. I’m still on season 4, and I’m currently mad at Hook because reasons. But I still ship them more than I have ever shipped fictional characters. Not to mention, I never thought I would be so attracted to a pirate who wears eyeliner…Also, episode 4 of season 4 (their first date) WAS THE CUTEST THING EVER. I literally fell off my couch. Hook is so darn charming and hilarious and sweet. Ugh, love him!c
 2. Everlark (Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark): First off, I love this series and I love Peeta. I loved how slow build their relationship was. It was realistic and appropriate for the storyline. Peeta is so adorable and caring and sweet. He’s the perfect guy. Too bad he’s fictional, right? Katniss is awesome, duh. But I love how they balance each other. Both of them are broken and they help one another grow back together. I mean, the epilogue scene in both the book and movie, so cute. I bawled like a baby because Katniss finally figured out her feelings for Peeta. Aw, they’re so cute.Katniss and Peeta kiss in Catching Fire (GIF)OMG SO SWEET AND GAHHH!!!FEELS!!!!this kiss was real and Josh was happy about it.
3.  Fourtris (Tris Prior and Tobias Eaton): Despite my dislike for the movies, the books are some of my favorites. And I think part of my love for that series is how pure and raw the relationship between Four and Tris was. Two unlikely souls not looking to fall in love but do. Their relationship had their hardships, but they survived together until the end. If you know what happens at the end of the third book, you get what I mean. SPOILER. It was so beautiful when Tobias spread Tris’s ashes while zip lining because he knew that would  mean something to her. And let’s not forget the ferris wheel scene. Tobias was so protective of Tris. Aw…if only Allegiant didn’t end the way it did, my shipping heart broke.
Fourtris kiss in fear simulation --- so gentle and beautiful

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