Something I Miss

Day 16: Write about something you miss

I miss a lot of things. Whether it be a loved one who has passed or the carefree days of being a kid. The thing that I miss most is not high school, but seeing my high school friends every day. I see them once every couple of months because we all go to different colleges. I know it’s a part of life that everyone goes through, but it still sucks.

My group of high school friends were very close. We hardly ever fought, and if we did, it was over something stupid. Like which actor we thought was hotter. See? Stupid things. I always had someone to vent to. I could walk into a class, the lunch room, after school activity and one of my friends would be there. We could all just get everything off our chance. Sure I like meeting new people who I go to college with, but it takes a while to get comfortable with them. My high school friends, we are super close and don’t mind acting stupid in front of each other. With new college friends, you have to ease into that friendship. You can’t let them see your weirdness right away!

So being at that age where it’s the beginning of my college career, that is what I miss. I always love when we all get together over breaks. We usually end up talking over one another because we all have different, crazy stories to tell. It’s just nice, normal.

This is literally us.


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