Friendship: It’s Not Quantity It’s Quality

You can choose to be my friend or you can walk out of my life. Which ever you chose, I respect that choice.

Friendship seems like such a mundane thing because everyone has friends. It’s easy and simple. But it’s not mundane nor is it simple. Friendship is messy and complex sometimes. Except, when you have the right friends, it’s smooth sailing.

In high school, you were measured by the amount of friends you had. Or the kind of friends you hung out with. It didn’t matter if you had four really good friends, it mattered if you had 15 different friends because that’s how high school was. All about the numbers.

However, as you get older and you go away to college, you will notice the dropping in the number of friends you have. And that is totally normal. You could say it’s mundane. During college, you gain friends and you lose some. The ones you lose were never really your friends. They were a part of your life that was temporary. The friends who keep coming around, or even the ones you don’t see often but laugh with you for hours on end, are the friends who were always your friends.

For me, I had a lot of friend walked out of my life without looking back. And there are some friends I walked out on too. Not because there was bad blood, but because we grew apart. Which, like I said, is common. Paths start to change, personality starts to change and you become more of who you’re supposed to be.

I don’t mean to get sappy, but as I start my transition to a new college, I’m starting to think about some friends who just stopped making an effort. Who didn’t give me the time of day anymore. At first, it made me sad, but now I know who my real friends are. I know that I can talk to them out of the blue and they would be there for me. I know that we can go weeks, months without seeing each other and still have fun together. It doesn’t matter about how many friends you have; it matters the quality of friends you have. Not to sound cliché, but I’d rather have four quarters than a hundred pennies. (Also, pennies are just annoying!)

So when a friend walks out of your life, don’t question what you did wrong. Because usually it’s not about you. Unless it is…I don’t know your life. But what I’m getting at is you eventually start to see who your real friends are and in a way, it’s a good feeling.

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